Three Bars Ranch

Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada
2025 - May 25th - May 31st
Nestled in the B.C mountains, this 7 day workshop takes place at one of the most beautiful ranches that I've ever visited. With a herd of over 100 horses as our subjects, and the Rocky Mountains in the background, you'll get to enjoy an amazing week of photography where you'll get hands on help in capturing some incredible images of these majestic animals.
We'll have 3-4 customized shoots each day in some truly spectacular settings where every location offers something different. From up close and personal portraits to both large and smaller herds in motion, the variety of shoots are incredible. We will travel to our shoot locations either on foot or by taking a short ride in one of the ranch vans.
Between shoots, you'll have the opportunity to get help in working on your favourite shots in Lightroom and/or Photoshop when we gather in the main lodge where we have workspace all set aside for your laptops. And if you need a little break from your computer, you can always head out on horseback for a nice relaxing ride through the beautiful B.C countryside or take part in any of the ranch activities that occur throughout the day.
Workshop fee includes 6 nights accommodations in upscale cabins and three delicious meals a day.
I'm really excited to once again offer this workshop at the stunning Three Bars Ranch. I can't say enough about Tyler, Jenna, and all of the staff, they really go out of their way to make this an incredible week and work incredibly hard to make sure that we get the shots that we want.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I really hope that you can join us!
Click on the link below to register:
Here's what people are saying...
"I was lucky enough to spend a week with Ryan at Three Bars Ranch this summer. What an amazing experience, learning not only about equine photography but also about the horses themselves and the people in their lives. I came away with new skills in both my photography and my post-processing. Thanks Ryan."
"What a fantastic photo workshop with Ryan at Three Bars Ranch! It was truly inspiring learning from Ryan, and what a wonderful experience not only getting to photograph with Ryan, but to be able to watch him transform his already amazing images into beautiful works of art. Such a great guy to get to hang out with and learn from. He is so patient and so generous with his knowledge. I would look forward to doing another workshop with Ryan."
"I had such an amazing time at Ryan's workshop at Three Bars Ranch. Ryan is a talented photographer and instructor; he took the time to answer any and all questions and his help with editing was very much appreciated. I highly recommend this workshop to any equine photographers out there!"